Welcome to Vaughan Paper Products Inc.

We stand behind every product we sell, making it our personal goal to treat you the way we would like to be treated

(the Golden Rule is a good place to start).

Matthew 7:12

New and Innovative Product Options

As industry experts, we are committed to anticipating our customers’ needs and providing solutions that work. To serve you better, we are continuously adding the most up-to-date innovations to our stock line.

Professional Affiliations

We are proud to be a member of these organizations:

• Balpex Inc.

• Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB)

Proud member of Balpex, a national distributor network.

Sales Staff Dedicated to You

Our professionally trained sales staff is dedicated to your business needs and will assist you in finding the right solutions for whatever you require. We maintain a database of each client’s order history, so we always know what you need when you call. And, our devoted sales team will ensure that your order—no matter how large or small—arrives on time.

We stock thousands of products ready for delivery or pick up from our warehouse/showroom. Come and see us today!

Where you can find us

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